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Airport Advisory Committee

The Airport Advisory Committee (AAC) is a standing committee given authority to make recommendations to the Port Commission via the Port’s Governance Rules. Two Port Commissioners, a representative from the Western Antique Aeroplane & Automobile Museum (WAAAM), a representative from the Fixed Based Operator (FBO), and seven at-large representatives make up the AAC. Port Commissioners are non-voting liaisons and Staff serves as an ex-officio member to the AAC. Non-residents (e.g. non-electors) of the Port District may serve on the Committee if no residents apply to serve during the normal recruitment process. Terms are for four years. The Port contracts with Jeff Renard, Aviation Management Services (AVS) for administrative support and serves as the Staff Person for the AAC.

Committee Members:

CommissionerTor Bieker
Commissioner Heather Gehring
Position #1Dave Koebel6/30/2026
Position #2Ken Musser 6/30/2028
Position #3Margo Dameier6/30/2026
Position #4Andreas Von Flotow 6/30/2028
Position #5Doug Knight6/30/2026
Position #6Matt Swihart 6/30/2028
Position #7Tad McGeer6/30/2026
WAAAMJohn Benton
FBOBrook Bielen
Port Contract StaffJeff Renard

Committee Meetings:

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