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Events on Port Property

To view the calendar of events on the Hood River Waterfront, please click the link below:

Waterfront Event Schedule 2025.02.04.pdf

What is a Special Event?

Special events are defined as activities that attract people to a specific location for a gathering or event beyond routine public use, and often involves one or more of the following:

  • Large or special use of an area/facility.
  • Special demand for park services (parking, cleaning, utilities).
  • Coordination required to avoid disruption to other users.
  • Commercial use.

Special Events hosted on Port of Hood River properties require an Event Special Use Permit for the designated location that is issued by the Port.  Additional permits may also be required from the City of Hood River and other regulatory agencies.  

When is a permit required? A permit is required for events that:

  • Involve a large group of people compared to the usual site occupancy.
  • Events advertised to the public that do not occur regularly at the site.
  • Activities creating a significant public impact on Port-owned properties or easements.
  • Use of sound amplification devices.
  • Require use of public personnel resources for emergency response.
  • Events impacting normal vehicle or pedestrian traffic.
  • Affect the Waterfront surrounding properties, parks, or involve improper use of Port property

Waterfront Trail: Access must remain open to the public at all times. The trail itself cannot be rented for events.

60-Day Notice: Requests  (applications) must be made at least 60 days in advance.  We do our best to turn around applications in a timely manner however large event permits may require legal review that can cause delays.

Additional required documents may include:

  • Site plan of the property with proposed use details.
  • Traffic Control Plan.
  • Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC) Permit: If alcohol will be served, submit OLCC permits with your application.  Contact OLCC at 503-872-5070 to confirm licensing requirements.  Note: OLCC licenses may take 10-30 days to process.
  • Temporary Restaurant License & Food Handler Certificate: Required for food service establishments in public areas.  Food trucks are only allowed in the Event Site Parking Lot for approved events.
  • Certificate of Insurance: Refer to the sample insurance requirements in the document shown below:
Certificate of Insurance example.pdf

The Port in its sole discretion, will consider public spaces for Special Events and uses based on an evaluation of availability of Port properties, as well as the nature and duration of the proposed use. The Waterfront Trail must remain open to the public at all times, and is not available to rent for events.  Events must not overly restrict access for the general public or interfere with Port business operations.

Application Process:

1.  Review Documents: The applicant should review the Port's event rules, regulations, fees, and requirements provided in the linked documents:

  • Waterfront Event Schedule 2025.pdf (This is a calendar not the actual rules and regulations.)
  • Event Rules, Regulations, and requirements 2025.pdf
  • 2025 Waterfront Event Fee Schedule.pdf
Waterfront Event Schedule 2025.02.04.pdfPOHR Event Rules Regs Requirements.pdfPOHR Event Fee Schedule.pdf

2.  Submit Proposal: Fill out and submit the Proposal for Event form (included at the bottom of this page).

3.  Port Review: Port staff will review the application. Approved applicants will be contacted for the next steps, including submitting a detailed site plan. Denied applicants will receive an email.

4.  Required Documents (if approved):

  • Certificate of Insurance (with specific requirements, see sample: Certificate of Insurance example.pdf and Instructions for Online Insurance Enrollment). $1 million coverage naming the Port as additional insured is required for events involving the public.
  • Site plan.
  • Traffic Control Plan.
  • OLCC Permit (if alcohol will be served - contact OLCC at 503-872-5070).
  • Temporary Restaurant License & Food Handler Certificate (if food will be served to the public).

5.  Required Documents (if approved):

  • Certificate of Insurance (with specific requirements, see sample: Certificate of Insurance example.pdf and Instructions for Online Insurance Enrollment). $1 million coverage naming the Port as additional insured is required for events involving the public.
  • Site plan.
  • Traffic Control Plan.
  • OLCC Permit (if alcohol will be served - contact OLCC at 503-872-5070).
  • Temporary Restaurant License & Food Handler Certificate (if food will be served to the public).

6.  Approval: The permit may require approval from the Port Executive Director or Commission. Permits will not be issued until all required documents are submitted.

Key Restrictions and Considerations:

  • The Port has sole discretion in considering public spaces for events.
  • Events must not overly restrict public access or interfere with Port operations.
  • Food trucks are only allowed in the Event Site Parking Lot for approved events, not in other Port parks.

If you have any questions or would like more information please email the Port's Waterfront Manager at

Event Proposal

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For more information contact:
Waterfront Manager
Phone: (541) 436-0797

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