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Events on Port Property

Special Events or use are defined as any activity that attracts people to a specific location for an event or gathering that involves more than visiting or routine use by the public at large for commercial or other purposes.  A Special Event is the use of a park or park area which constitutes one or more of the following: (a) large or special use of an area or facility; (b) creates a special demand for park services such as parking, cleaning, power or water; (c) requires coordination so that other users can coexist without disruption; and (d) which constitutes a commercial use.

Special Events hosted on Port of Hood River properties require an Event Special Use Permit issued by the Port and may also require permits from the City of Hood River and other regulatory agencies.

Special event permits may be required under the following conditions:

  • Gatherings/events that involve a large group of people (compared to the usual occupancy of the site) in the public right-of-way (park, street etc.)
  • Are advertised to the public and do not occur regularly on the site
  • Creates a significant public impact on public property orPort-owned easements
  • Use of sound amplifying device
  • Use of public personnel or resources for emergency response or any combination of these
  • Impacts normal vehicle and pedestrian traffic
  • Events held on Port property which affect or impact the City, surrounding public or private property, or which may involve an improper use of the property under the Port's ordinances such as zoning restrictions, noise restrictions, temporary portable sign permits etc.
  • Special Event fees may apply.

Permit Application Requirements

Special Events require a permit issued by the Port.  Additional documents which may also be required:

  • Certificate of Insurance - To see what the Certificate of Insurance looks like and the coverage requirements, please refer to the sample insurance requirement below.  Requirements noted in Red.
Certificate of Insurance example.pdf
  •  If you need to enroll in insurance, please read the Instructions for Online Insurance Enrollment.
  • Traffic Control Plan
  • Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC) Permit: If alcohol use is planned for your Special Event, submit OLCC permits with your application. Please call OLCC at 503-872-5070 to determine and/or confirm if you need an OLCC license. OLCC can take 10-30 days to process a license. The OLCC license must be visible in the area where alcoholic beverages are being served.
  • Temporary Restaurant License & Food Handler Certificate: For any food service establishment in the street, public right-of-way, and Port facility. Food trucks are only allowed in the Event Site Parking Lot in order to cater approved special event permits. Food trucks are not permitted in other Port parks.
  • Some events may require on-site staff support and additional fees may apply.

The Port in its sole discretion, will consider public spaces for Special Events and uses based on an evaluation of availability of Port properties, as well as the nature and duration of the proposed use. Events must not overly restrict access for the general public or interfere with Port business operations.

Requests must be made at least 60 days in advance of your event.  To begin the process please review the event rules and regulations, fees and requirements.

Event Rules and Regulations

2025 Event Fee Schedule .pdf

Next, please fill out and submit the Proposal for Event form shown below.

Once we receive your application for the Special Use Event Permit the Port Staff will review for approval.  If approved, we will contact you with the next steps required to move forward.  If denied, you will receive a courtesy email. The permit may require approval from the Port Executive Director or Commission.

If the event involves the public, a Certificate of Insurance in the amount of $1 million naming the Port of Hood River as additional insured is required as well as Special Event Application.

Any organization or individual requesting to use our parks or facility that invites vendors to participate in an event will assume all responsibility for the vendors. The Port of Hood River will not be held liable for any damage, injury, or death caused or relating to the vendor.

If a private group requesting to use our park or facility supplies food to its own group members, then no food licensing or permits are required. If a vendor or private group is supplying food to the general public then you must have a Mobile food Unit License or a Temporary Food License. Vendor must be able to provide proof of insurance that names the Port of Hood River as an additional insured. Any necessary permits or licenses to operate their business must be provided as well.

Any event/group over 50 people is required to provide a port-a-potty (1 per 75 people) and dumpster service for trash removal.

If you have any questions or would like more information please email the Port's Waterfront Manager at

Event Proposal

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For more information contact:
Waterfront Manager
Phone: (541) 436-0797

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